Santa Fe Crime Map And Info
We all believe our neighborhood is a safe neighborhood, but how does your community compare with the larger community? Check out this Santa Fe crime map and see how your neighborhood compares. Then take a quick glance at some methods to make your family and neighborhood more safe and sound.
Santa Fe Crime Map
The Santa Fe Crime Map shows a round-up of reported incidents in your community. Darker areas indicate a greater number of police calls as compared to the greater city limits. Zoom in and out by using the - and + buttons, respectively.
5 Ways You Can Help Keep Your Street Safe And Secure
Even though crime will always occur, there's a lot you should do regarding your street’s safety. Use these few quick tips so you can keep your neighborhood secure and inviting.
Know your neighbors: The more you know different community members, the easier it will be to depend on one another. Many blocks in Santa Fe have also formed a formal neighborhood watch.
Invest in a monitored security system: If a burglar sets off a high-decibel alarm, it may dissuade them from creeping around that same neighborhood for a while. Your outside security cameras could also capture intruders cutting through your front yard when running from your neighbor's house.
Keep items hidden in your vehicle: Forgetting your billfold, keys, or phone in plain sight can instigate a vehicular break-in. Always remember to bring in expensive items or store them out of sight under the seat or trunk.
Hang outside motion flood lights: Light keeps an intruder at bay. By putting up motion-activated floodlights over shadowed areas or a back door, you could fend off a break-in before it happens.
Alert neighbors to when you’re out of town: Let a friend know when you’re out of town, and leave them a spare key or door lock code in case of emergency. Although, keep your vacation plans off Facebook if at all possible.
Have Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your Family Stay Safe And Secure
When you want a home security system to help protect your house from burglary, fire, or other predicaments, contact Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll describe your security and automation components and will help you pick the best system for your home’s needs. Just contact (505) 317-7139 or send in the form below.